Tag: poem

  • After Thanksgiving

    After Thanksgiving

    It’s the week after Thanksgiving, and everyone is still talking about the grand feast they devoured, their family gathering, and traveling to and from their holiday destination. It was different at our house. Walter and I had no company this year, no gathering to go to, and less than a grand feast for the big… Read more

  • Touchdown!


    I grew up in Wisconsin cheering for the Green Bay Packers during football season. They are one tough team when it comes to playing in frigid weather—the more snow, the better. The fans are even tougher, filling the stands while bundled up from head to toe with blocks of cheese on their heads. Nothing stops… Read more

  • The H.I.T. Squad

    The H.I.T. Squad

    Have you ever noticed sparrows lining up on the gutter of your house or the neighbor’s roofline? First one flies in, then two more, then three join them, until there are twelve sparrows looking out over the yard. Suddenly, they all fly down to a bird feeder or a birdbath as if the leader gave… Read more

  • Veteran’s Day

    Veteran’s Day

    My dad served in the Army during World War II. He rarely talked about that life event, but when he did, his face showed the pain of war. If I remember correctly, he worked in the military offices in the Philippines and fortunately did not see combat. Nevertheless, my mom said he came home a… Read more

  • Boo!


    Happy Halloween to everyone! Time for costumes, ghosts, black cats, and witches riding their brooms across the yellow moon. When I was a kid growing up in Wisconsin, I had to bundle up to go trick-or-treating on bone-chilling Halloween nights. My mom made my costume extra-large so I could wear a winter coat underneath my… Read more

  • I Love Pie

    I Love Pie

    When we were kids growing up in Wisconsin, my sister and I learned how to bake pies on Saturday mornings. My mom tied aprons around our waists, and we helped her make two pies—egg custard was her favorite—to serve as dessert with dinner for the upcoming week. Those were the days when dessert was expected… Read more

  • Covered Bridges

    Covered Bridges

    After moving to Roanoke, I decided to find the covered bridges of southwest Virginia. I discovered four nearby bridges and set out on a mission to find them. All the while, I was thinking of the movie The Bridges of Madison County. The first one was easy to find—135 miles north of Roanoke on I-81… Read more